Filippo Grandi (UNHCR): “In their hour of need, we need to help them.”

Filippo Grandi (Hoge Commissaris voor de Vluchtelingen UNHCR) bracht onlangs een bezoek aan Aleppo en zei: “No fear, no suspicion: In their hour of need, we need to help them.

Op 13 October 2016 werd de 10-de Hoge Commissaris voor de Vluchtelingen van de UN: António Guterres benoemd als Secretaris Generaal van de UN per 1 januari 2017.

Zijn opvolger, de Italiaan Filippo Grandi bracht recent, als Hoge Commissaris voor de Vluchtelingen, een bezoek aan het verwoeste Aleppo.

Zie: bezoek van Grandi aan Aleppo febr 2017

Hij sprak over de vluchtelingen met woorden die ons in het hart raken:

“The world has to go back to solidarity, has to think again of these people – not with fear, not with suspicion, but with open arms, with an open mind, with an open heart. They need help, they need protection while the war goes on. One day, they will come back here, and they will reconstruct these cities. But now, in their hour of need, we cannot forget their plight – we need to help them,”

Om over na te denken:

Hij treedt daarmee in het voetspoor van zijn voorganger Guterres die de heersende opvattingen regelmatig aan de kaak stelde:

Over de vluchtelingenstroom:

“This is something which could have been managed if Europe had come together… it is perfectly manageable, if this is managed,” he said and repeated that countries should not go their own way on the issue. “We need more Europe not less Europe.”

Over terrorisme:

“It is “absolute nonsense” to blame refugees for terror.

It is not the refugee outflows that cause terrorism, it is terrorism, tyranny and war that create refugees. It is clear that the Daesh strategy is not only to set Europeans against refugees, but within Europe, to set citizen against citizen within communities, community against community within countries, and country against country in the Union.”